Elsa 3.0 Help

Invoking Workflows

There are multiple ways to start a workflow:

In this guide, we will see an example of each of these methods.

Before you start

For this guide, we will need the following:

  • An Elsa Server project

  • An Elsa Studio instance

    docker pull elsaworkflows/elsa-studio-v3:latest docker run -t -i -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT='Development' -e HTTP_PORTS=8080 -e ELSASERVER__URL=https://localhost:5001/elsa/api -p 14000:8080 elsaworkflows/elsa-studio-v3:latest

Please return here when you are ready.


Elsa Studio

The easiest way to start a workflow is directly from Elsa Studio.

  1. Start Elsa Server

    Run Elsa Server:

    dotnet run --urls=https://localhost:5001
  2. Start Elsa Studio

    Run Elsa Studio:

    docker pull elsaworkflows/elsa-studio-v3:latest docker run -t -i -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT='Development' -e HTTP_PORTS=8080 -e ELSASERVER__URL=https://localhost:5001/elsa/api -p 5002:8080 elsaworkflows/elsa-studio-v3:latest
  3. Create a Workflow

    Create a new workflow called Using Elsa Studio

  4. Add WriteLine Activity

    Add a WriteLine activity and configure it to print the text Started from Elsa Studio!

  5. Start the Workflow

    On the far end of the toolbar above the design surface, press the play icon. This will create and start a new instance of your workflow.

    Press the Start button to start the workflow
  1. Create a Workflow

    Create a new workflow class called UsingElsaStudio with the following implementation:


    using Elsa.Workflows; using Elsa.Workflows.Activities; using Elsa.Workflows.Contracts; using JetBrains.Annotations; namespace ElsaServer.Workflows; [UsedImplicitly] public class UsingElsaStudio : WorkflowBase { protected override void Build(IWorkflowBuilder builder) { builder.Root = new WriteLine("Hello from Elsa Studio!"); } }
  2. Start Elsa Server

    Run Elsa Server:

    dotnet run --urls=https://localhost:5001
  3. Start Elsa Studio

    Run Elsa Studio:

    docker pull elsaworkflows/elsa-studio-v3:latest docker run -t -i -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT='Development' -e HTTP_PORTS=8080 -e ELSASERVER__URL=https://localhost:5001/elsa/api -p 5002:8080 elsaworkflows/elsa-studio-v3:latest
  4. Open the Workflow

    From the left menu, go to Workflows | Definitions and select the programmatic workflow.

  5. Start the Workflow

    On the far end of the toolbar above the design surface, press the play icon. This will create and start a new instance of your workflow.

    Press the Start button to start the workflow

Upon clicking the start button, the workflow will execute.


Another way to kick off a new workflow execution is by having the workflow be invoked through a trigger.

A trigger is represented by an activity, which provides trigger details to services external to the workflow that are ultimately responsible for triggering the workflow.

Elsa ships with various triggers out of the box, such as:

  • HTTP Endpoint: triggers the workflow when a given HTTP request is sent to the workflow server.

  • Timer: triggers the workflow each given interval based on a TimeSpan expression.

  • Cron: triggers the workflow each given interval based on a CRON expression.

  • Event: triggers when a given event is received by the workflow server.

We will use the HTTP Endpoint trigger as an example to invoke the workflow whenever a certain HTTP request is sent to the server.

  1. Start Elsa Server

    Run Elsa Server:

    dotnet run --urls=https://localhost:5001
  2. Start Elsa Studio

    Run Elsa Studio:

    docker pull elsaworkflows/elsa-studio-v3:latest docker run -t -i -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT='Development' -e HTTP_PORTS=8080 -e ELSASERVER__URL=https://localhost:5001/elsa/api -p 5002:8080 elsaworkflows/elsa-studio-v3:latest
  3. Create a Workflow

    Create a new workflow called Using HTTP Trigger

  4. Add HTTP Endpoint Activity

    Add an HTTP Endpoint activity and configure it as follows:







    Supported Methods



    Trigger workflow



  5. Add HTTP Response Activity

    Add an HTTP Response activity and configure it as follows:




    Status Code




    Hello world!


  6. Connect Activities

    Connect the HTTP Endpoint activity to the HTTP Response activity

    Two connected activities
  7. Publish

    In order to activate the trigger, the workflow must be published.

    To publish the workflow, click the Publish button:

    Publish the workflow
  8. Trigger the Workflow

    Although we technically could start this workflow using the Start button, this would immediately suspend the workflow's execution, due to the way that the trigger activities are designed.

    The correct way to trigger a workflow starting with an HTTP Endpoint activity as its trigger is to send an HTTP request to the workflow server.

    In order to send an HTTP request that triggers the workflow, we need the following information:

    • The complete URL pointing to the workflow.

    • The expected HTTP methods

    Both these details can be easily found on the HTTP Endpoint activity:

    Publish the workflow

    This translates to the following curl:

    curl --location 'https://localhost:5001/workflows/hello-world'

    And since this is a simple GET request, we can paste the URL straight into the browser:

    Invoking the workflow via the browser

The HTTP Endpoint activity offers a simple yet effective way to trigger workflows via HTTP requests.

To learn more about implementing HTTP workflows, be sure to follow the HTTP Workflows guide

Dispatch Workflow Activity

The Dispatch Workflow activity can start a new workflow from the current workflow.

It allows you to specify what workflow to run and provide any input required by the workflow.

Let's try it out.

  1. Start Elsa Server

    Run Elsa Server:

    dotnet run --urls=https://localhost:5001
  2. Start Elsa Studio

    Run Elsa Studio:

    docker pull elsaworkflows/elsa-studio-v3:latest docker run -t -i -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT='Development' -e HTTP_PORTS=8080 -e ELSASERVER__URL=https://localhost:5001/elsa/api -p 5002:8080 elsaworkflows/elsa-studio-v3:latest
  3. Create a Workflow

    Create a new workflow called Dispatch Workflow

  4. Add Dispatch Workflow Activity

    Add a Dispatch Workflow activity and configure it as follows:




    Workflow Definition

    Using Elsa Studio


  5. Start the Workflow

    On the far end of the toolbar above the design surface, press the play icon. This will create and start a new instance of your workflow.

    Press the Start button to start the workflow

Navigate to Workflows | Instances to see that the workflow did indeed invoke the Using Elsa Studio workflow:

The Dispatch Workflow workflow started another workflow: the Using Elsa Studio workflow.

The Dispatch Workflow activity offers a simple way to invoke a workflow from another workflow.


When setting up Elsa Server from the installation guide, it will include the Elsa API module which exposes API endpoints.

These endpoints are consumed by Elsa Studio, but can also be used by your own application and from other HTTP clients such as Postman.

One of these endpoints provides the ability to start a workflow.

The following curl shows an example that starts a workflow:

curl --location --request POST 'https://localhost:5001/elsa/api/workflow-definitions/{workflow-definition-id}/execute' \ --header 'Authorization: ApiKey {your-api-key}'

Elsa Library

It is also possible to programmatically execute workflows from within the Elsa Server itself. For example, you could have a custom API controller from which you want to invoke a specific workflow

Elsa offers various services, ranging from general-purpose low-level services such as IWorkflowRunner to opinionated high-level services such as IWorkflowRuntime


The right service to use depends on your use case. When you have a workflow definition ID that you want to execute immediately, use the IWorkflowRuntime service:

await _workflowRuntime.StartWorkflowAsync(definitionId);

If you want to execute a workflow asynchronously and not wait for it to start or complete, you can use IWorkflowDispatcher:

var dispatchRequest = new DispatchWorkflowDefinitionRequest { DefinitionId = "your-definition-id", VersionOptions = VersionOptions.Published }; await _workflowDispatcher.DispatchAsync(dispatchRequest);
Last modified: 04 February 2024